DX did not only took control of WWE, it will soon take control of the WWE lol
Social Security payments taken feom your checks, were been redirrected to other account.
So now woman can restore their tightness for Chad
I tell you guys, these next few years, we will be bombarded from the left and right about female loneliness and how we need to man up and marry these women, they will blame us for the low birthrates, they will say our standards are too high.
For the last few days I've been doing all the things I normally do, but in the background my mind is being constantly blown by the USAID thing and what it means.
They constructed a completely fake reality for at least a decade. The "Left" is entirely fake. Every part of society is bought off. All of it an expensive larp. The uniparty is literally real and was run through USAID.
A large number of normiefags will never recover.
Remember, we are meant to take care of the boomers but, it we had a crippling accident, they could not take care of us. the same way i clean my mother's ass when she shits herself, and i constantly have to wash her sheets cuz she pees them and bath her.
i know i will not receive the same favor in return, they will just find my corpse months after i die, covered in my own shit and piss, and cuz i started to stink, i hope Trump is the anti-Christ, i have nukes, i hope Satan goes all out.