
am getting sick of hearing the same shit about woman for the passe ten years, to the point it became mainstream, we know woman's true nature. what are we going to do about it?

take their rights away? that just gave them power again, we will be forced to take care of them, and some of us can't use them, like they use us cuz, we are not 6'4.

i always know my dad's luck with woman had to be something else then his looks cuz, he looked like a Jew, hell maybe am a Jew, and i don't even know it.

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@RodrickSage I've decided to see women as a transactional experience, based on the pattern I see you pay no matter what.

So, the question is, what are you willing to pay to a woman and for what service?

Taking women's rights away isn't going to happen. Best you can do is find some way to live with that.

@TenaciousGoat @RodrickSage

civil rights are not going to last

be nice to women and keep the good ones

the rest are edible like other low quality humans
Women are actively taking their rights away from themselves right now. There is a reason that women have never lead any civilizations. They collectively vote (or "influence") for more and more free shit until all the high status and/or productive men are destroyed from within and the society collapses and is ruled by invaders who treat them like the moronic cattle they are in groups. I don't make the rules.

This are so out of whack, low status men are trying to switch teams in the most unaesthetic abominal forms possible.

You have to have had a labotomy to not notice at least a few of the set pieces of this opera.
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