I've tried the whole "alt tech" thing and while sifting through leftoid dogshit on platforms like YouTube is awful, there is something completely revolting about doomscrolling through Rumble and seeing nothing but conservatard grifters and their paypig rube followers, plastered wall to wall. Want to watch a news stream? FUCK JOE BRANDON. Videos game stuff? THE LEFT HAS GONE INSANE. Music? TOP 10 UNWOKE HITS.

Just fuck off holy shit.


I wouldn't call Rumble alt tech. And the content and U.I. both suck. Rumble is for normie (dumb) Republicans, just like Twitter is for normie (dumb) Lefties.

Try Odysee and BitChute instead.

The BitChute app sucks, so use BitSlide to access it.

Odysee keeps glitching but there is a lot of content there. And its search sucks.

BitChute is where all the really crazy stuff is.

If you just want to watch YouTube without ads, use NewPipe on Android.

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