Can you add to the list of slurs and offensive terms? Please do!

nigger, kike, faggot, spic, wetback, poof, dandy, queer, chink, nip, yid, darkie, tar ape, shit lip, nostrilsaurus, heeb, bonus hole, cunt, dyke, tranny, axe wound, rot snatch, whore, skank, slut, goomba, slanteye, feather head, pajeet, shitskin, and Jew

slant, slope, gook, shyster, hymie, moon cricket, porch monkey

spear chucker, tar Baby, towelhead, street shitter, dottie, kang, gollywog, nignog, Alabama wind chime, strange fruit, farm equipment, cotton picker

pennychasers, shekel sniffers, bagel biters, foreskin goblins, Christkillers, oven dodgers

@brigrammer Jungle Jap, porch monkey / Alabama porch monkey, slope, necromorph, towelhead, street shitter, dottie, kang

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