gay propaganda on my ig feed. some ai voice reading a fake reddit story of a 17yo boy who came out to his ”straight as fuck” best friend who PLOT TWIST also liked him since they were 9. fkn gross, like genuinely.

they wear the rainbow to try and compensate for how aesthetically displeasing they are

@suquili IG has been HEAVILY pushing gay shit the last week or so.

Faggotry all over, and I know they aren't getting it from my search history or purchases. And unless it's saying "faggots" I don't talk nicely about it so I know it's not from Google listening. It must just be time to push more gay shit. Pride Month Part 2: The Butt-pirate Strokes Back.

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@RoninGrey it usually starts with femboys/traps. i’m so numb to it I usually just cringe and keep scrolling. this was an explicitly gay romanticisation though, not at all accurate, unless the boys were both molested which was conveniently omitted.
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