So the Jewish mafia infiltrated the government to set up the Italian and Irish mafia and get them out of the way so they could Control the Crime in the United States and turn nigger chaos crime loose that the Italian and Irish mafia was controlling so they couldn’t stop communism. Police and three letter agencies protect their control of the organized crime now.But we will “Vote them out in 2024.”


Is it Anti-Wopp to Label a criminal organization of Italian decent? Is it Anti-Micc to label a criminal organization of Irish decent? Then why is it Anti-Jewish(Semitic) to label a criminal organization of Talmudic decent a Federal Hate Crime? Just asking for a friend,who is A Torah loving Jew,because he can’t ask about it,and allows Goyim to fall in sin under persecution;to Usher in the messiah.(Definition of a Cult).

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