@PordanJeterson I wanted to try for first time fountai pen. I bought STABILO EASYbuddy. Pretty cheap in USD it would be somewhere +-15$.
It was pretty good compare to normal pens.
In future I would like to try brush pen. Wonder how it feels compare to fountain and normal pen.
@PordanJeterson Good to know.
I write very little maybe more in the future.
So for now for me work something cheap.
@Stahesh A Pilot Metropolitan runs anywhere from 15-25$ well worth the money, it holds up to the most expensive pens, then the pilot Kakuno, the starter pen runs about $10-15
@Stahesh brush pens are a waste of time for the most part due to the ink drying on the brush part unless you clean it every single time; i was using india ink in my brush pen, its possible normal pen ink wouldnt have done this, but i doubt it. If you are looking to level up your fountain pen game without spending crazy money, i would suggest the Pilot E95 Special, its like the cheapest luxury pen out their, or a TWSBI ECO is one of the gold standards to try, im currently using a Pilot Metro..