@VeganMGTOW🤣 Lol picking comment of vegan that know really nothing about carnivore diet.🤣

You will need to try it to see that you will not fart and not shit yourself.

Why the F you will have no energy when you will be in good condition and after eating you will not like after carbs where you are bloated and do not want to move after meal.

@Stahesh Oh believe me I know Everything about The carnivore Diet just follows a Instagram Channel named "carnivore cringe" Is a compilation of The Q&A of many carnivore forums. I know what kind of thing happens in to people that try carnivore Diet.

@VeganMGTOW Why follow random content on internet and not try for yourself to know the truth like normal thinking person.

I can show you content of cringe vegans if you want.

@Stahesh In my case Is too late to try The carnivore thing just the sight of meat near me make me want to puke so I won't be able to try The carnivore diet even if I try to.

@Stahesh As mention before meat makes me Want to puke The closest thing I can eat that close to meat Is oister sea food (no Fish, no sea Bugs like crabs, lobter) sea animals that don't have brains are those count as Part of The carnivore Diet?

@VeganMGTOW oysters are diffinetly animals.

You only trained yourself to hate meat so you would need to train yourself to eat meat again.

Maybe slowly adding it to your diet or let someone add it to your diet so you can be mentally disconected from it.

Another thing easiest meat to eat woul be chicken. So maybe try salad with chiken or pizza with some ham or chicken.

@Stahesh I Don't think I ever going to eat chicken again with The knowleged I have how much chemicals They add to a chick to turn it into a meaty being in a few weeks Is a Big no no and before you tell me about The grassfed chicken be realistic that thing Is too expensive to base my Diet on that.

@VeganMGTOW In US I think you should look into Pasture Raised more local and not big farms that care only about money.

@Stahesh What about eggs are those Part of The carnivore diet? I can imagine myself only eating eggs and oister if I want to try adding animal products again to my diet but I won't go beyond that not even Fish.

@VeganMGTOW Yes eggs are carnivore.

I often do some meat with eggs it is good combo.

and many people add salt

@Stahesh All Right I Will try my own carnivore Diet with oister and eggs for 1 week to see what kind of change I get. What kind of tips I need to take into account like I need suplement fiber or with The vegetales that are allow in The carnivore Is enough?? I supose no fruits neither starches?

@VeganMGTOW I personally fry food in small amoun of animal fat.

Be it scrambled eggs or meat with scrambled eggs.

I add little of pepper some salt and little of spices like Herbes de Provence.

Some people add fat I personally do not like it so I mainly eat meat and even meat contain fat. Eggs have protein to fat ration equal.

You can eat how much you want your body will tell you I often just get boring of eating and stop and eat something later when I get hungry.

@Stahesh What about adding olive oil instead of fat since I asume oister aren't high in fat?


@VeganMGTOW By this they should have little more fat than protein.


I think little of olive oil would not be so bad. If you only cook with it and do not drink it after.

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@Stahesh Lol Is Funny Oyster have almost The same amount of fat and carbohidrates

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