I can't wait to see when majority of work force will be Gen Z.

Because I think we will see big change to current work culture.😈

Gen Z Is A NIGHTMARE For Employers

@Stahesh Its all by design

Refusal to hold women accountable
Cant smack women
Cant smack kids
Cant oven Jews
Cant boat ship Africans back to Africa
Cant Oven Gays
Men have no authority
No self defense
No ethnic pride
Giving women "RIGHTS"
Artifcal leg over for women, gays and non whites
@charliebrownau @Stahesh .
Every department in the FedGov was headed by nasty, non-Vet women.

Men are systematically excluded from the best jobs.
@Wanderen @Stahesh Yet how many
((( Christians)))
or natsooks

Have the fucking balls to finally openly advocate to remove women


PA , Patriot Front , Natsooks of AU , Ones in cuckada or EU
yet to see or hear about a single popular group
grow a fucking pair
@charliebrownau @Stahesh .
You fuckers sprich ein ganz ander sprache

WTF is a natssok?
@Wanderen @Stahesh Natsook
National Sociats
that refuses to stop using

Microsoft, Windows , Closed source
Telegram , discover

Refuses to stop using
digital fait currency

Refuses to collectively group fund a white only township

Lives apart
Lives seperate from its group memebers
doesnt form white only business's

Considers voting, taxation, bending over to rules by the corporate state
a wining strat for the next 7 years
and considers we still have 20-30 years to convience the sheeple
to change voting

@charliebrownau @Stahesh .
I go to every Town Meeting and try to get the *smallest* of things- I'm all alone in that.

I have to ally with those there for other purposes

At times, I'm the only one there facing hostile counselors.
100% Euro
@Wanderen @Stahesh Yup
99% of them refuse to change
refuse to accept the whole raw uncensored truth
and refuse ti give up on

International state mandated Universal Equality
they all support the same axioms in the end
@charliebrownau @Stahesh Ain't 99%

it's 99.999999%

There's some faggot that lives near me I freaked out bc I told him he needs to reconsider his

> Christian Zionism

Ran off like a little girl

The rest are into

@Stahesh @Wanderen Its amazing/depressing the amount of christians
that will run
once you mention

earth is created
we should have 13 months
keto and fasting cures

Even before you tell them about the Flat Non Rotating realm part
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