@LysanderMooner Damn Andrew Tate cheerleading For Christianity hope is too late I haté Christianity I want Europe return to their pagans roots and finally destroy the Christian mindvirus

@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW I take paganism as manly religion.

Where is no stupid christianity and compasion for your enemies.

Often pagans believe different gods so there is no believe in one god and if you do not we need to kill you. So they were less agressive than abrahamic religions

They have pretty good balance with nature and spiritiality.

And they are not afraid of making sacrifices


@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW I think they have some but many were destroyed by romans and christianity

neopaganism /Modern paganism


With pagans you have many branches like slavic, germanic, celtic, witchcraft or druidism.

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