Once you start eating right(carnivore FTW), you start to notice other people's bad skin. Most, especially women, look like Michelin man. Their skin looks like pudding or jello. Pasty white, overall unhealthy, full of retained water due inflammation and carbs holding water molecules. On the other hand, I have noticed that I can retain darker skin shade after sun bathing, or just from walking around in the summer, for YEARS.

@Justicar It is pretty noticeble what we see normal as normal. But when you go carnivore you can see and feel much better.

Funny things If I go one day carnivore and day after I try some plants. I can taste how they have toxic horrible taste.

@Stahesh yeah, to me vegetables taste like cardboard. müsli bars taste like dirt. and whenever i eat anything that is not from an animal, it just does not taste like food. normies have no idea what normal even is.


@Justicar Exactly and even eating vegetables, pastry, potatoes and rice just make me bloated and cause energy crash after eating. So even moving become exhausting.

But after eating meat I coul do everything be it running or lifting.

After being on 1 day carnivore my body reject anything else since that day.

Because my body know what is best for it.

But only 1 problem I have is carb craving addiction that I slowly get over. It is slow but it get better.

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