For me, the worst aspect of life is that even if you want to be left alone, life will find a way to fuck with you. To insert itself into your day via some unexpected call, visit, letter, email, someone crashes into your car or whatever. You just want to be on your way, be left alone, but life simply will not let you. You are forced to interact with it. I have no idea why but for some reason that's how life is. You can set up a shack on Mt. Everest, and life would find a way to bother you.


@Justicar The universe force your will to steal your willpower.

I thing it work this way.

Another thing if I do not act selfish universe find way to punish me.

Like the quote "No good deed goes unpunished"

It is more than coincidence when it happens almost always.

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”

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