I got so greedy about buying UNG it started rising again. 😂 such is life. The question is does it keep going up and should I just keep buying now.

@Darth_Bob The market is irrational so there is literally no way to know. It's massively oversold, so follow your heart and dance like no one's watching.

My TSLA puts stay printing. I knew the system would come crashing down on Daddy Elon the moment he told Twatter jannies to fuck off.

@NEETzsche @Darth_Bob Elon's businesses rely on the Left. Soyfags drive EVs, and SpaceX is dependent on government contracts, so why he thought buying Twitter and pissing off the Left was a good business decision is something I'll never understand.

@Tfmonkey @NEETzsche @Darth_Bob
I think he wanted to change the culture, and had no idea just how strong the resistance will be from the Cathedral.

There’s certainly an element of that, but I also think to some extent him being an autiste makes him liable to just be willing to die on this kind of hill.


@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche @Darth_Bob I think he also has half a dozen baby's mommas at this point too since he became "the world's richest man".

The implosion will be made into a movie in 10 years.

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