Hey @Tfmonkey is just like you’ve said. The apparatus is turning against us. Don’t know if this is true but wouldn’t surprise me.

@aphron @Tfmonkey this will become the norm. We’ve been too asleep to prevent it from creeping up. The same for forcing people to fight. Social credit can’t just be used to shut your bank account, it can be used to lock you up or make you disappear if you don’t do as you’re told (spying, fighting a war).

Soviet soldiers literally were forced to fight at gun point. I’m sure not the first time or the last


@southpole21 @aphron As the system unravels, the government will do whatever it can to hold onto power for as long as possible.

Because most people are on welfare, they will fight to preserve the current system for as long as possible as well.

It is not required that you try to "save" the system. The system cannot be saved and doesn't deserve to be saved.

All that is required is that you save yourself by removing yourself from the system to the greatest extend you can handle.

Good luck.

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