@PinochetsCommieCopter I have a theory that goblins are isekai'd aborted black babies.

@Tfmonkey arent you that weirdo who shills gay sex toys on youtube ?
@Tfmonkey im pretty sure i saw a @randbot stream on which he covered you doing a gay one and you used to word bussy serveral times in the video

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot I have reviewed toys that have a generic "hole" that isn't molded to look like a vagina specifically, and I joke about you can pretend it's whatever hole you're into.

I only review sex toys as an ongoing joke since I've been banned for hate speech everywhere, and sex toy reviews are the only thing I can do on mainstream platforms.

@Tfmonkey @randbot i dont know man i have only seen your videos covered in that randbot stream and you seemed as gay as Nick Fuentes and all the other groypers

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot That's fine. I'm not here to pick a fight. If you think sex toys are gay, I respect your opinion.

@Tfmonkey @randbot i think they are degenerate and destructive and those who shill them on desperate broken people are no better than Jews and when the time comes should be dealt with the same way

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot Alright, I get it, you're more of a "hands on" guy.

Would you say the same to a girl who owns vibrators or should only men who masturbate be murdered?

@Tfmonkey @randbot im talking about the people shilling and pushing this vile shit on others not users, and it wouldn't be murder there will be trials and due process

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot so masturbation is fine, but reviewing sex toys so that you can make an informed purchase for your masturbatory aids is "vile shit"?

If masturbation isn't vile, why is helping people make informed purchases vile, and so vile to strongly imply that they deserve death?

Is it vile when women do it? Is it vile when married couples buy toys to "spice things up"? We're talking about death sentences here right?

@Tfmonkey @randbot masturbation just like drug use is damaging and unhealthy and shouldnt be done, you are much like someone reviewing heroin,meth,etc... and suggesting it to troubled people and informing them where they can get a good deal some for a cut of the sale, and just like drug dealers you should be dealt permanently

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot Alright, let's say I grant you that masturbation is like a drug as opposed to being a natural impulse. Surely you wouldn't tell married couples to stop having sex right? That would lead to human extinction.

So is doing drugs with a loved one permissible? That doesn't seem to make any sense. Drugs prescribed by doctors makes sense, but doctors would be the "shills" that you wish to put to death who recommend sex toys such as myself.

Help me understand.

@Tfmonkey @randbot even in your analogy you describe yourself like the doctors who pushed the opioid to people who didn't need it causing the opioid crisis and countless death and lives destroyed, so i think deep down you know what you truly are

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot so just because some doctors pushed addicting opioids, all doctors should be put to death?

Is that the standard?

@Tfmonkey @randbot all the ones who knowingly pushed addictive drugs on people they knew didnt need them just for a cut from big pharma

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot Would you agree that we should judge someone's behavior based on how much harm they cause others, and not based on the thing itself? For example, opioids are entirely appropriate for hospice/end of life care when patients are in constant pain and long-term addiction isn't' an issue.

Do you think a review of a sex toy which helps people make informed decisions is causing harm to people? If so, in what way?

@Tfmonkey @randbot in the same way that offering a guy who just lost his job,home, close family member etc... drugs instead of trying to help him, and your in fact worse because you make money off it

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot Working within your analogy, I do offer real solutions. Let's take women's rights away and restore patriarchy. We can do it together, it'll be fun.

No? That's not politically feasible? Well feminism has ruined women and marriage laws are dogshit, so what do you expect a guy to do with his natural biological urges in the meantime while we wait for hyperinflation and societal collapse to work it's Darwinian magic?

What would you do to genuinely "help" western men?

@Tfmonkey @randbot i would try to help them improve themselves and i wouldn't have them wallow in self destructive degeneracy so i can exploit their pain for profit and a have smug sense of satisfaction that i helped them coom

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot I don't think people masturbate because they're in pain. I think people masturbate because it satisfies a basic biological urge.

However, I do help men improve themselves, but I'm also realistic that guys are going to masturbate, and in fact, shaming men for their sex drive and for masturbation by comparing it to drugs is a big reason why women can manipulate men so easily and why feminism is so out of control.

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@Tfmonkey Bro, you didn't even mention the Jews once. How do you expect to get a Poast user's confidence with numbers like that?

@PinochetsCommieCopter @randbot
@Tfmonkey @randbot you are no better that a drug dealer trying to justify his actions by saying im just letting people enjoy themselves and X drug is natural etc.... just know when the time comes you will answer for what you have done
@PinochetsCommieCopter @Tfmonkey @randbot Holly shit. It’s tfm. And Pinochet.
One beats off into a doll. One beats off to ozzie cunt anime dolls dressed in Nazi uniforms… fuck! How will I choose sides??
One faggot tells me to abandon wamynz. One faggit wants me to simp for hwyte nigger lover and who beat off to anime.
Trick question.
Hah. You both get roof.
Islam is the way
@randbot @PinochetsCommieCopter @Tfmonkey shirely You don’t mean me. And Shirley. You don’t call me a retard. Wo presenting a valid point why. Do Present proof, an example. We’ll hash this out.
Or else you’re a faggot.
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