Let's start a list, Things I never Learned in School:

1. Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.
@MaleGoddess The CIA had a hand in the International drug trade in the 80s and was responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic
@LordMordred 90s too. William Jefferson Blythe III, aka Bill Clinton, had a direct hand in that while he was governor of Arkansas.
Bet you didn't know about that.
His state medical examiner was ruling decapitations as suicides, including decapitations after gun shots to the back of the head. When this was discovered by the press, his ME was temporarily relieved, only to return with a pay raise.
@LordMordred also, William Jefferson Blythe III sounded too prestigious, so he changed his name to Bill Clinton.
@MaleGoddess @LordMordred I always thought that was fringe conspiracy shit until I saw "Boys on the Tracks" that shit runs deep and dark.

@Wormwood @LordMordred @MaleGoddess The phrase "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence is a response to the divine right of kings (because it was written to a king), and the founding fathers did not believe in equality. They were slave owners who never intended to give women the right to vote and restricted the vote to landed gentry (of which 75% of American males qualified as land was cheap), but prior to the income tax, created a tax-payer voting system.

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