@rohrkrepierer Yeah I play casual mobile games via bluestacks on my computer.

Jalter is a top tier "naughty church girl" waifu. I started playing FGO because Yu Mei Ren looks like my IRL waifu Celestina.

@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer Ayo. Hits pipe.
I memba your streem way back talking of some Roman femoroid and her cunts storming the forum opposing taxing them cuz they were rich and the men tried to raise funds for an army to defend Rome. But these whores were some daughters of mobility.
WHat tf was her name?

@Deuces @rohrkrepierer The same thing happened in Sparta. Honestly, allowing women to inherit property was a mistake because while the men died in war, the widows and daughters became rich power brokers without any responsibility to the state that provided for them.


@Deuces @rohrkrepierer It wasn't one woman. Because Sparta was a warlike state, the men died fairly often and because the women could inherit property, they become richer and more powerful until they become "kingmakers" behind the scenes, affecting politics even though they couldn't vote.

They were the original "special interest group" that used campaign donations to influence politicians to do what they wanted.

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