Youtube presents me that fighter-boomer again, this time talking about recruiting adverts. I’m sure I know his take. “This woke stuff is too much, the military guards FREEDOM and we need to go back to the days where they pretend to give masculine white guys a place to let their discontentment in peace, let’s use that “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of all those who threaten it“ slogan like we had before!”

But the comments…..hoo boy. Very rah-rah conservaboomer feminist. These guys are all over.

More conservaboomer shit:

“I know we have to make the cancer cells feel welcome, well-fed, and comfortable, don’t get me wrong I’m not some insane, socialist cancer-hater, right?!?! I’m just saying I wish we could go back to the days of small 5mm tumors, and not 5 inches….“


@WashedOutGundamPilot I don't want to kill the cancer. I just want it to go from stage 4 to stage 2 again, before I was shitting blood and praying for the sweet release of death.

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