Something that’s interesting to me is how Patriot Front looks to women. I would be interested to see how the fledgling nazis caught market share (in the marketplace of ideas) in Weimar - I would bet that there were plenty of women who saw the presence of martial, able-bodied white guys billy-clubbin’ the lawless antifa bands as a welcome group to have in their corner.

Maybe there’s a group of chicks in these cities, alone and unsupported, who would feel PF’s presence as bringing much-needed support and stability to her life, even if it’s just so she can lie to the stalker at work and say “my brother’s in patriot front if you don’t leave me alone they’ll fuck you up“.

We just never really think about how things look to women, or how they’ll react… that’s silly of us, because women are basically the top dog in politics and grassroots governance today. Sure, jews hold veto power over everything that’s presented, but the roastocracy is the one manning these bureaucracies and writing the rules that affect the day to day.

Something to think about. It would be interesting to hear an account of the early 30’s from a female POV

Whatever form a victory takes, having our women back in our corner will be essential to maintaining it. They have a totally different approach to community and society, they’re vital to keeping a state healthy. Woman police the minor infractions, they stanch the bloodflow of each tiny little nick and cut of progressivism, they stop the metamorphosis before it begins.

Men simply don’t have the interest or energy to keep that up. We’re the ones who fostered the boomercon attitude that brought us here: “ah, who cares what they do in the privacy of their own home? None of my business“

Tell you what, women would NEVER say that without considerable media messaging.

@WashedOutGundamPilot Singapore tried to use media and propaganda to get women to marry men and have babies and it didn't work.

Iran is an authoritarian Muslim state with morality police and hijab laws, and their birthrates are dogshit too.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Jews and Amish have an average of 7 kids per family despite living in fully developed western countries with Feminism and Progressive laws.

The solution isn't top down, it's bottom up. Men must take their OWN women's rights away.

>brown people did thing badly so it wont work for white people

compelling argument

@udongle @WashedOutGundamPilot What would white people do differently compared to Iran (ignoring that Persians are Caucasian).

If you think an ethnostate will solve all your problems, why do Japan and South Korea have some of the lowest fertility rates on Earth?

Even during WW2 when the Nazis tried to raise the birthrate, they only raised them to 1.9, which isn't even replacement, but was impressive in relation to other European countries.

Only patriarchy works, and patriarchy is always local

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@Tfmonkey @udongle @WashedOutGundamPilot Most here are not red pilled in that way.
Most will take the risk if given the chance.
It also necessary for the long game.
Aren't just not nihilistic, but in fact optimistic.
All attempts at pro-social mass media are currently sabotaged by zog. Media controlled by white people is the same as the collapse of zog which would make it work. Of course some small brown country isn't going to outcompete america's media industrial complex
> why do Japan and South Korea have some of the lowest fertility rates on Earth?
zog vassal states
>Even during WW2 when the Nazis tried to raise the birthrate,...
Extrapolating trends from the short time they were in power isn't useful, the technology alone has changed too much for useful comparisons to be made
>Only patriarchy works, and patriarchy is always local
If that were true then we wouldn't be in this mess right now.
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