Something that’s interesting to me is how Patriot Front looks to women. I would be interested to see how the fledgling nazis caught market share (in the marketplace of ideas) in Weimar - I would bet that there were plenty of women who saw the presence of martial, able-bodied white guys billy-clubbin’ the lawless antifa bands as a welcome group to have in their corner.

Maybe there’s a group of chicks in these cities, alone and unsupported, who would feel PF’s presence as bringing much-needed support and stability to her life, even if it’s just so she can lie to the stalker at work and say “my brother’s in patriot front if you don’t leave me alone they’ll fuck you up“.

We just never really think about how things look to women, or how they’ll react… that’s silly of us, because women are basically the top dog in politics and grassroots governance today. Sure, jews hold veto power over everything that’s presented, but the roastocracy is the one manning these bureaucracies and writing the rules that affect the day to day.

Something to think about. It would be interesting to hear an account of the early 30’s from a female POV

Whatever form a victory takes, having our women back in our corner will be essential to maintaining it. They have a totally different approach to community and society, they’re vital to keeping a state healthy. Woman police the minor infractions, they stanch the bloodflow of each tiny little nick and cut of progressivism, they stop the metamorphosis before it begins.

Men simply don’t have the interest or energy to keep that up. We’re the ones who fostered the boomercon attitude that brought us here: “ah, who cares what they do in the privacy of their own home? None of my business“

Tell you what, women would NEVER say that without considerable media messaging.

@WashedOutGundamPilot Singapore tried to use media and propaganda to get women to marry men and have babies and it didn't work.

Iran is an authoritarian Muslim state with morality police and hijab laws, and their birthrates are dogshit too.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Jews and Amish have an average of 7 kids per family despite living in fully developed western countries with Feminism and Progressive laws.

The solution isn't top down, it's bottom up. Men must take their OWN women's rights away.

@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot >iran birthrates bad

Even if this were true, how much of this is due to the extreme economic sanctions put on them by ZOG? Iran has been solid on the women's rights question, women have *much* more rights in Israel than Iran

>hasidic and Amish birthrates good

Both groups have access to considerable wealth. Women lacking rights is an important ingredient to a healthy civilization but its not the only ingredient. Removing jews from power in the West is much more important than taking women's rights away

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot If has nothing to do with sanctions. It's due to Iran allowing women to go to college and have jobs, whereas they aren't allowed to within the Orthodox Jewish communities in Israel despite having more "rights".

This is my point. Patriarchy isn't something that is imposed top-down, but is enforced at the local level from the men upon THEIR OWN WOMEN.

You can make women dress in hijabs and go to church, but you don't make them stay home and pregnant, they won't.

@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot >Patriarchy isn't something that is imposed top-down

It's like you're knowingly playing to the women question to run cover for ruling class jews by reducing everything to individualism. You can pretend that financial oligarchs and the institutions they control don't have power but people today aren't going to fall for your worldview like boomers did.

All culture is top down.

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot If you were right (which you're not) then Singapore's propaganda drive (as well as dozens of other countries) to increase their birthrates above replacement would have worked, but they don't.

Instead of going directly to overthrowing the government and race war, perhaps try controlling the women within your own families and communities. The Amish don't have a problem with that and they're pacifists who live under the same ZOG you do.

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@Tfmonkey @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot What's your opinion on Hungary? They are successfully recovering birth rates and even are above replacement rates, last i checked.

@white_male @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot Hungary's birthrate is NOT above replacement. A lot of hay was made over their "baby boom" wherein the birthrate rose from 1.3 to 1.5, which still isn't above replacement.

When massive welfare subsidies are announced, births are often moved FORWARD but the aggregate birth rate doesn't actually go up.

dozens of countries have tried this same scheme to use welfare to raise fertility and it never works.

Only patriarchy has ever and will ever work.

@Tfmonkey @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot You seem to be right, they've had positive population growth for a while, but they've not yet dove after the subsidies.
@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot >Singapore's state media couldn't compete with internet porn and every other form of Western media

Shocking revelation, wignats btfo

>Whatever you do don't take collective action just focus entirely on individualism. Just look at how threatening the Amish are to the system


@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot Porn has nothing to do with fertility rates. I'll prove it, and I'll use a recent source too.

A study on lotto winners was conducted in Sweden. They found that when men win the lottery they get married and have families. When women win the lottery they get divorced.

Empowering men builds civilization. Empowering women destroys it. It's not the porn or the jews, it's just women.

Deny it all you want. Enjoy watching your race go extinct.

@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot >porn has nothing to do with birthrates
>*points to study about the lotteries impact on divorce*


@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot What is it with midwits and their inability to understand inferential correlation?

Fine, you provide me with a study that proves that jews and porn are the primary cause of low fertility.

I'll be here all day.

@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot >porn has literally nothing to do with fertility rates, here I'll prove it
>so what if I didn't prove my claim? Thats your job midwit!

*chef's kiss*
Of course he's going to go to bat for porn, look at this dude's profile
@Tfmonkey @mmmfeet @Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot of course he denies porn having any affect on the birthrate, just like how a roastie denies her body count is preventing her from finding a nice guy to settle down with.

@voronesh234 @AnimeTradCath @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot For those of you who actually posted arguments and sources, you have my respect. However none of those sources are even about fertility rates. I challenge you Google "how to stop overpopulation" and see what the recommendations are. Hint: It's empowering women, not porn. Empowered women ruin society. Porn is at best a symptom, not a cause.

Now I'll leave you to bitch about jews as your world dies. Good day sir.

@Tfmonkey @voronesh234 @AnimeTradCath @WashedOutGundamPilot Maybe next time you can at least try to back up your laughable claim that porn has zero impact on fertility instead of pouting about eebil Nazis bullying you online and slinking off afterwards. Tell Halsey we said hello by the way, that fat kike seems to have gotten his money's worth
@mmmfeet @Tfmonkey @AnimeTradCath @WashedOutGundamPilot You can check the image booru with enough redpills about all that
Search by "family, porn, promiscuity, divorce"
@Tfmonkey @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot But all of these things that you're pretending are discrete are in fact closely related.
Is women's empowerment lowering birthrates? Obviously. But porn, especially at these endemic levels is a part of women's empowerment. And jews have always been feminism's intellectual vanguard.
@Tfmonkey @mmmfeet @Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot why are you arguing with a retard. If he was able to bootstrap his way to Patriarchy he wouldn't be doing sextoy reviews.
@AnimeTradCath @Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot I remember he cohosted a show with this fat jewish neocon, which tells you everything you need to know tbh.
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