The lack of creativity in zombie films and TV shows is unsurprising.

Characters for some reason go INTO cities...which would have been the first places of mass death and destruction.

The zombie genre is a left wing fantasy


@PakkonenCT I remember reading or hearing somewhere that it's because of grass. Urban settings don't have grass, but suburban and rural settings do. In wouldn't make sense for people to be mowing their grass during the apocalypse, but it's impossible to find a cheap non urban setting with overgrown grass without building a soundstage, which is too expensive for TV shows and low-budget horror movies.

The only alternative would be filming in a desert.

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@Tfmonkey just wait. Ukraine will be a great sound stage for filming

@Tfmonkey @PakkonenCT @GasBag @LoopLinndrum but horror zombies aren't really zombies (drug lobotomized), it goes back to George Romero's Dawn of the Dead having corpses rise from the grave to eat the living. They're more ghast or ghoul which are graveyard creatures that munch on corpses or living flesh.

And the cityscape sets continue:

The Walking Dead Dead City S01 (Maggie & Negan)
E01 Old Acquaintances

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