"Poland: hundreds of thousands march against rightwing populist government"

I am fascinated by how the media always uses the word "populist" as if it were something horrible.

[1890-95, Amer.; < L popul (us) PEOPLE + - IST]

Pray tell, what is the opposite of "populist" then? My only guess is "elitist." So elitist is good and populist is bad? Is that right, or am I being specious?



@lccmv it does seem like a contradiction that the ruling class supports democracy but hates populism until you understand that the ruling class simply support the trappings of democracy, but actually hates the people for whom democracy is supposed to be for.

They only support a form of democracy that they can subvert and control, hence they will say such and such is a threat to "our democracy" because populism cannot be a threat to democracy itself, only "their democracy".

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