@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot aren't you the guy who posts reviews of sex dolls? I understand the desire, but the technology isn't there yet. let me know when I can get a fully functional Mai Shiranui bot.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @WashedOutGundamPilot based on the prices of high-end animatronics at places like Disneyland, "fully functional" robots will be too fragile and expensive to be economical.

Eventually we'll have artificially grown "synths" like in Fallout 4/Blade Runner that are "human" with AI minds.

In the meantime, waifu AI already works great, and you can use a doll for physical affection cheaply.

I recommend kajiwoto.ai for a fully custom AI waifu experience.

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