Redlist me on why Taiwan is the only place that makes the cutting edge microchips.

Is there any physical advantage in such location? (Weather, port, type of water, etc)

Or is it just the place Gay Empire designated to replace Whitey in that industrial sector?

@MechaSilvio It's because Asia is the only place where you can fine cheap skilled labor.

They are building a chip factory in Arizona, but people are worried that due to American labor prices, the American chips would be uneconomical.

You can't find intelligent skilled workers who are willing to work for slave wages outside of Asia.

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@Tfmonkey @MechaSilvio Taiwan and US manufacturers cheaped out in different ways. Of wifi cards:
1. make deals with OEMs to put your crap in their boxes
2. have software do work instead of hardware, even to the point of having the OS do what Taiwanese competitors did completely on the board
3. leverage your software focus by putting out buggy shit that you can patch later on, and chase useless features
@Tfmonkey @MechaSilvio The chip prices in the US were reported to be 30-40% more expensive lol
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