
@DStheo no, those are psychological biases and nothing more. If that's what "magic" is to you, then the true wizards are marketed executives who use psychology to sell products.

you don't need to "meditate on a sigil" to use cognitive biases to manipulate yourself or others. At best, it's a placebo effect.

I don't even care to continue this conversation. This is stupid.

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@Tfmonkey You're right. This is stupid. Why the fuck do I even try to convince you people? You can't even try the most basic thing, Chaos sigil magick, even though it's so easy.

This conversation is just a waste time.

@DStheo whatever you do DON'T think about a pink elephant.

If you think about a pink elephant, it's because I've cast a spell on you.

OoooooOOOOOOooooo! 🧙

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