As i expected BRICS addmited new members and their aim seems to be controlling the energy supply, which they have now, 80% of oil producers are the BRICS members.

BRICS doesn't need its own currency to burn the petrodollar to the ground. All they have to do is ban purchases in USD, and buy with local currencies, which appears to be what they are doing.

When they inevitably ban the Dollar I can see the GAE overthrowing or cause chaos in the BRICS counties or in their neighbors as last ditch effort to save the dollar, my eyes are on South America and Central Asia, since these countries are the most vulnerable to the GAE, especially Brazil, Argentina and Kazakhstan.

@Avdol10 the GAE will lose that war, and America can't militarize like it did during WW2 because we don't have the industrial capacity or labor force to sustain it.

We threw all of that away to celebrate equality, diversity, and fight Climate Change.

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