Love it when I ask for a take on something and they deliver. I’d mentioned wanting a good encapsulation of the 4chan “No Pussy, No Work“ meme and someone finally got one.

I like the idea that the shills ARE freaking out because they have access to sentiment trends that no one can publish - I pretty much agree with the second post here, judging from the IRL on the ground sentiment. I don’t talk to many men 30 and under who have ANY confidence that things are okay.

Torn on the whole “pussy” aspect because it’s crass….but it IS functional. Profanity has a way of piercing through the armored veneer of gentility in public.

“The Lay Down Movement” is that idea, tailored for chink government censorship. Inoffensive, but not memorable.

A young man saying “No Pussy? No Work“ distills ten paragraphs into one, and aside from people taking it TOO literally - thinking it’s about sex and slavery instead of the social contract - it’s a workable meme.


@WashedOutGundamPilot I would simply put it a different way.

The concept of "equality' strips men of their authority (patriarchy) in exchange for a utopian ideal that doesn't exist.

Women (and society) depend on men, but men have no authority.

Women want "equal" authority, but require men to take all responsibility because they're incapable of it biologically.

Patriarchy is balance. Egalitarianism is insanity. Feminism is suicide.

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@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot As I said a few dats ago:

[Society] has to blame men. Pretty much all women are incapable of accepting responsibility.
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