what exactly did Mexico do to piss of ZOG so much or is this just total Kayfabe?

Will Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador appear with a mask on calling out Lindsey Graham.

@Terry Mexico expressed interest in joining BRICS. That's all.


@Terry you'll also notice that as ZOG loses control of Asia and Africa, they're focusing on South America for their oil and gas needs. oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Ga

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Guess I'm gonna have to strike Peru off my 'countries to flee to' list.
@BiggusDiccus @Terry @Tfmonkey peruvian here
the fact that you considered that means you are absolutely retarded and would've been similar to the avg peruvian cholo
It wasn't exactly high on the list. It just happened to be on the list. Specifically it was in the subcategory 'Can probably fake death and disappear from these countries'
@Terry @Tfmonkey
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