"While they might seem intimidating to newcomers, sex parties can offer a unique opportunity for individuals and couples to explore their sexual desires and fantasies in a consensual, open environment. When all goes right, sex parties—also known as “play parties”—can be an empowering and affirming experience—"

Empowering degeneracy. Every time. Why is it always degeneracy that is seen as empowering and affirming?

@sim I have more respect for swingers than cucks in open relationships. At least both people are getting laid.

To answer your question, a lot of women are permanently ruined and unable to pair bond after getting pumped and dumped for 10+ years, so the only way to have a long term relationship is to cheat.

Being a swinger is better than cheating behind the guy's back or wanting an "open relationship" and having a boyfriend on side. Again, at least with sex parties both get laid

@Tfmonkey I don't know how they are able to have a long term relationship if they are cheating.

This just seems like having an open relationship, but hooking up on the side at a sex party. I'm not sure there is much of a difference. Especially if the guy in question isn't interested in hooking up with others.
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