Being generous and assuming it’s a bonafide girl, this should make sense.

Girls want to be unafraid of life, confident in their own skin, and assured in their footing. Autismo retards will see a girl like this and say “woah it’s about the robots” when girls’ thought processes don’t just get hung up on cool stuff like ours do, it’s this heady melange of emotion and desires, dreams and insecurities.

You could easily tame this girl by providing the proper care and feeding that lets her tap into YOU as a source of strength and sureness, so that she feels comfy in her own skin, as she is, because she’s safely sheltered under your protection.

She’s not looking at the robot claw feet thinking about how cool it is to be able to grab people by the face. She’s daydreaming about being able to live without fear

And because of that I still assume it’s a troon

Getting tired of fwds about guys dating “women” into stupid shit like fallout/40k/video games when it’s obvious “she” is probably one humid day away from that cock-tape coming untucked

Obsession with transhumanism in general is very troony. I get normalcy bias, but I don't really see why anyone would assume something like this is definitely a real woman.

Because “she” wants to be stronger and have a bigger, better body. If she’s genA/Z then it’s not impossible that she’s afraid of male sexuality. A sterile non-male robot is less threatening to them. It’s a whole thing. The chicks are just as borked as the boys are, sexually

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