She's texting me from work...
I'll get a "selfie" today.
You watch.
We are talking about pussy hair right now.
I'm so going to fuck this one.
careful fren.
i sense some crazy in those eyes.
hope it doesnt end in need for restraining order

@BillingtonYVR @Koropokkur Is this how fall we've fallen? Is fucking a 54 year old grandma such an achievement that we're bragging about it on the internet?

How did we let things get this bad?

· · Web · 2 · 1 · 0
I think the actual all-ages graph of that would have the most desired around 15 or 16 but that's not the point. The point is what the wahmen are actually doing as the data from these apps are showing, which is runaway hypergamy and it quite literally being over as the meme goes if you're not a genetic lottery winner.
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