Interesting that maybe this is an infiltration technique. Would make more sense, because these girls don’t get the balmy reception they do in every other corner of the web.

Probably fishing for something, but this made me think of how frequently girls in the outer circle of our side will pull this crap.

@WashedOutGundamPilot A lot of these online whores are ageing out. They used to go to church to find "a good man" but the churches have all cucked, and so they go to where the men are.

I do sympathize with them. They did what they were told to do, and like all children, what felt good at the time.

I offer these aged out whores a truce. Men will forgive their past when women can no longer vote.

Enjoy your boxed wine and cats.

@Tfmonkey Nobody ever talks about how that chases a good guy away from church. Showing up every sunday just for the boomers to grab you by the shoulder to off you up as a sacrifice to “that girl down the street who just moved back home” is a great way to move your demographics older and grayer


@WashedOutGundamPilot It's a downward cycle wherein church attendance goes down, the church tries to "get woke" to attract more people (known as "seeker sensitive") and then they embrace feminism and start shitting on men for not "stepping up" and marrying the single moms.

So the men stop coming to church because they don't need a guilt trip, and the church has gone to shit anyway, and then church attendance goes goes, and thus the cycle repeats.

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