@dander this isn't true. It was abandoning the gold standard that caused the stagflation, stagnant wages, and caused two income households to become required, but that has nothing to do with the current anti male policies which go back to the 60s with welfare expansion, immigration reform, and 2nd wave feminism?

Why were the 60s so bad? Because the Baby Boomers began voting.

Why were the 2000s so bad? Because Millennials began voting.

Each generation gets worse thanks to progressivism.

@Tfmonkey neat thanks for clarification i will pass the message along.it seems so much that the vast majority dont truely know or even care to know the exact reasons we are here. as retarded as government is it amazes me just how good they are at masking the truth


@dander FDR was the first President of the Progressive Empire, with the groundwork laid by Woodrow Wilson. The boomers were the first children born after this and were the first "children of the revolution". They began voting in the 60s, and enacted sweeping Progressive reforms that really destroyed what was left of the old America.

Things have simply gotten worse with each generation, but it all traces back to Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive era, and World War 2 with FDR.

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