@sickburnbro It happened because the FED "paused" rate hikes. It happened several months ago when the FED paused rate hikes too.

Everyone is trying to call the bottom. Everyone knows the government can't afford to pay $1T in interest on the national debt, and so rates have to drop, and everyone is playing chicken with the FED.

@Tfmonkey except the FED sees that data as a reason *to* raise rates ..

@sickburnbro yes, it's a game of chicken. The government will require the FED to cut rates regardless of what the inflation is in less than a year due to the national debt, and everyone is hanging on every bit of news trying to call the bottom and get in at the ground floor.

The economy is so fake and gay at the moment, and all because we printed so much money during COVID.

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@Tfmonkey yes, it makes sense for the government to cut rates due to the debt, but they also got us to this point, so I wouldn't make it a forgone conclusion that they would pay attention to what is happening to the debt.

@sickburnbro that simply proves my point. Job openings are employers trying to time the bottom, but they won't finalize hires unless the FED signals they're going to cut rates.

I've actually known people who go through the process of applying for a job, and then at the end they are told they aren't hiring yet.

@sickburnbro True, they could simply monetize the debt and cause hyperinflation, and continue to raise rates into the hyperinflation until the people murder them . . . there's that.

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