I don't even know how can you be on the left after this leftist retard killed by junkie nigger, his commie gf just stood there not giving a single fuck about your dying breath, not even comfort him.

His "friends" immediately lied to put words in his mouth that he loves nigger so much and he's scared his attack will bring hate to niggers, just to further their progressive commie agenda.

After seeing this I don't know how can ppl stay on the left, I know you talk about conformity and there weak seeking the protection of herd but this is way too much, using my death like this becuz of the cause I support brought my demise and this is how I get rewarded in my death by my own side, I say this will cause a change in some ppl minds to leave the left hopefully

@Avdol10 because they're weak.

When a prey animal is killed by predators, his fellow prey animals will scatter and leave him to die, and nobody will help him.

This the lot of the weak. The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

The saddest part is that slave morality causes men to choose to be weak as if it makes them "better" than the strong.

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