@Pain66 this is the insidious nature of word magic. Nihilism means belief in nothing, but Christians redefined nihilism to be any rejection of "traditional morality" (i.e. Christian morality). Look it up in a dictionary if you think I'm lying.

This is why Nietzche is a "nihilist" to these people despite his philosophy warning about nihilism and offering itself as a solution.

Thus the result of this word magic is for Christians to kill non-Christians as a "counter-arguement" for nihilism.

@Tfmonkey It’s kinda fucked up though that the only two options you have are to believe in their god or be a nihilist which they justify as a means to kill you. This is one reason why humans aren’t known for peace.

@Pain66 what annoys me is how much these reactionary right Christians piss and moan about liberals and modernity, but won't take women's rights away.

Don't belive in Jesus? Kill them!

Destroy civilization by empowering women? Blame everything other than women, and continue to support their empowerment.

@Tfmonkey Tradthots are the worst. This past year especially I’ve begun to despise them more than liberal/ feminist women. At least feminist sometimes try to be consistent with their retarded ideology. Tradthots want to manipulate both male feminist and tradcucks to benefit them. They will demand you give them equal rights and in that same breath expect you to man up and die for them. The absolute pathetic state of modern human moral character. Tradcucks/thots deserve each other


@Pain66 they're two sides of the same coin. It's like good cop/bad cop.

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