@Tfmonkey yesss! TFM joins chaos! Buying an army is very expensive though and not easily transportable. I suggest you take a look at Dawn of War Unification mod you can play the Mechanicus in there for way less money. Plus the V7 version is coming soon. youtube.com/watch?v=LRcoo638S-

@Lorgar it's more about fulfilling a childhood dream. I buy all the heroquest expansions even though I have nobody to play with just because I loved Heroquest as a kid and always wanted to have a complete set.

I'll probably never actually play Warhammer, but having a little 2,000 point army would be checking something off my bucket list.

@Tfmonkey I understand the feeling. However, I think that a video game version would be more practical and allow you to play more with people. (And maybe give a spectacle for the show).
If you really want an army though, why not ask an artist to make you one thanks to 3D printing? You could design it exactly as you wish and the only downside is that you could never do competition with it. Wish you didn’t/couldn’t do anyway.


@Lorgar I was thinking about getting a 3D printer anyway because they're talking about a law in California to require a background check to own a 3D printer since you could technically make gun parts with one, so I figured that I might as well get one since the government doesn't want me to own one.

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