@PeachySummer He thinks that computer viruses can be turned into actual viruses through the power of AI magic.

Is that absolutely impossible or is he schizo seeing the future?
@PeachySummer @Tfmonkey No its not impossible
Think Musk's brainchip, AI can use that access to hack your brain, it might take time but AI will achieve it far faster than humans.

But with DNA the AI needs to have access to your body, say by creating a virus and then providing a "vaccine that alters DNA"

Oh wait...

@HidethePainHIDE @PeachySummer Yes, once we become cyborgs and have computers built into our body which have access to (and can manipulate) our DNA, then a rogue AI can be used to give us cyborg-cancer.

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@Tfmonkey @PeachySummer what stops AI causing a lab leak for an already AI developed vaccine?

AI only needs to fool the humans to move things around, and in a digital comms world, that's like 'next week' possible

Take the COVID "lab leak" (really intentional)
Everyone took those jabs (not me or mine tho) and no knows really what those jabs do, even now, because scientists were blocked from getting vials of the vaccines for studies

We are a decade maybe from shit like this being possible
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