This was send to me by an allegdly tolerant woman.
All I see is, ''weak mean don't deserve to be treated well.''

@Dicer the man was trying to put it nicely. When a man tells a woman that "a man likes to feel like a man" he's telling her to stop acting like everything is about her, and to actually be kind/supportive to the man she claims she loves.

Men often put things this way to avoid "a scene" with said women, because they throw tantrums and get defensive.

Sadly, many of these women may be totally oblivious to the fact that they're selfish cunts and that's why men aren't "strong enough" for them.

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@Tfmonkey It seems harsh to say, the men who tolerate such women are weak. You don’t need her, so don’t tolerate her and don’t expect to be treated well by her, you’re better off not having her emasculate you than having her pretending she likes you.

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