Every black family is a bunch of sheboon aunties, sistahs moms etc, that keep a couple of nerdy bug black men in they orbit to pay them beels. They throw they sons out on the streets at a young age to hustle money for they mama, so Shaniqua can afford steaks to lure in the handsome big buck niggers she wanna bed. Black wamen are the sovereign power of the "black family." They only rule over 10% of they men, kicking the rest out for good when they rebel. Most niggers that wander the street were outcast by they females when they got violent at a young age. Black female power can be boiled down to the fact that black women are capable of forms of cooperation that niggers aren't really capable of, at least not in the West.

@boburtle the gynocentric power of black women is simply due to welfare dependence, which has become endemic within black communities.

Black women don't need men because they're all married to the government. The only things they need black men for are fuckbois and slaves so any unsuitable males are discarded without a second thought.

@Tfmonkey In western Africa it's more of a warlord culture, which is what America and Europe will look like when the police state finally goes kaput. The days when some spoiled whore could make one phone call and have her boytoy hauled off by the cops because he bruised her fists with his face, are coming to an end. Karma is coming for feminism's sins, we'll see it in our lifetime
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