The Jews are throwing DEI and trannies under the bus and pivoting to Republicans in order to ensure support for Israel.

It looks like they won't assassinate Trump after all. They'll let him be President again as long as he promises to support Israel with (what remains of) the US military.

If you have a hypothesis of why the Cathedral would throw not only trannies and minorities, but Democrats under the bus for the sake of Israel that isn't "the Jews run the Cathedral" I'm all ears.

@Tfmonkey If Trump wins, the Democrats will have an epic meltdown and riot and probably overthrow the government. Do you think Trump will shoot the rioters? The Democrats will blame the Chinese government, which will make Trump have an anti-China agenda because he wants to please both sides. If Biden wins, Republicans will protest, but they won’t do anything.


@Indignation the anti-israel protests show how weak the Left is without institutional support.

If the Jews support Trump, they will mercilessly crush any Leftist riots and the media will celebrate it as a victory of democracy over fascism.

This will likely be a very red-pilling moment for a lot of these Leftist zoomers.

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