
@thefinn but I thought if we empowered women more they would do their one fucking job.

@Tfmonkey @thefinn Don’t you know that it’s because the cost of living is too high and that men don’t do enough housework are the real reasons women aren’t having children?

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey @thefinn Does anyone really want men to do "housework".

Since most would just half ass it.

Like me.
cheaper and more reliable than getting married
@thefinn @leespringfield1903 @Pain66 @Tfmonkey I'm a bum most of the time. Getting older too, might be time to look for a female house mate if you know what i mean.
@Kickingbadger7 @thefinn @Pain66 @Tfmonkey Import a Ukrainian woman.

Just make sure to check up on the goods before importing.
@leespringfield1903 @thefinn @Pain66 @Tfmonkey Yeah, well there was this Greek Chick, told me she really likes me. Hope it's not to just get a green card .
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