@Marko you can take women's rights away, or wait until there is a violent and bloody collapse and civil war wherein everyone loses their rights, including women.

The choice is yours.

@Tfmonkey @Marko Gday

Ive spoken to many groups
Common Law

No one is willing to
- hold women to the same exact standard as men
- take womens rights away and grant men the authority with the burden, demands, hardships and repsolbilties

Tax cattle are programmed to transfer the role of men to the state

Thus Ive come to the realisation that it all must collapse

White Survial should be our goal

Its only going to get worse
Digital ID
Smart Minute Cities
Lower amount of Whites in the population
Robots, drones, AI, Automation replacing low skill workforce

Self Session
Self Separation
Self Segregation
Self Sufficiency

Stop feeding the ((( System )))
Banks, Courts, Corporations, Chains
all rely on working class tax cattle
to fund our societal collapse and destruction

The Parasites cant survive without working class ethnic straight men
but we can survive without the parasites

In 1991 we had 150 nations ((( G0verments)))
all sign up to NWO 2030

In 2024 we have 182 nations ((( Governments)))
sign up to nwo 2030

Putin, trump, Biden
They are all Zog puppets or loyal traitors to the 'state' they claim to 'lead/protect/serve'

Hilter was too soft
6m never happened (175k)

Real Freedom hasnt been attempted yet
we have a long way to go

@charliebrownau @Marko when the Global American Empire (GAE) collapses, the Jewish Israeli Zionists (JIZ) will leak out of the American Security State (ASS).

@DeathCulture @Marko @charliebrownau they'll most likely go to South America. See how they got Jews into high office in Mexico and Argentina recently.

@Tfmonkey @DeathCulture @Marko Do you think the Amish will have to rapidly adapt to SHTF Choas
or they are too cucked
and will get wiped out

@charliebrownau @Marko @DeathCulture The Amish have a large community around them that will protect him in exchange for the food they grow.

The only people who wipe out their farmers and starve to death are Africans and Communists. Nobody else is that retarded.

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