I've never seen anyone in denial this badly, what do you think blacks spend welfare money on Tim? You think DeAndre worked a 9-5 for those rims?


@PraxisOfEvil the difference is that prior to the 60s, welfare did NOT go to single mothers, but widows and orphans. It was only with the "Great Society" in the 60s that single mother went up across the board, including for white people.

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@Tfmonkey @PraxisOfEvil
>farm bill food stamp expansion
Was that part of the plan? Food stamps are back door subsidies to big Ag?
@Tfmonkey @PraxisOfEvil It could be removed from but widows and orphans also

Orphans goto the family
or the state/nation has a group that accepts males/females
and trains them for defence

Group formed to defend knowledge
on the outskirts of society/nations
orphans raised to defend that group


Widows are looked after by family , her side or
her side and his side

Generational farms
Huge blocks of land
intergenational families

Weflare is stolen funds from the hard labor of working class ethnic straight men
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