Really fucking sick of FUD-spreading faggots whose only talking points are:

1. "NJP/TRS bad!" - Well, you got what you wanted, the NJP is dead; why are you still crying about them? Or better yet, why don't YOU do it? Oh, that's right. Because you're just a bad actor, trying to prevent ANY effective political organization for White people.

2. "Russia is ZOG-East!" - Well, 10 years of Jews agitating for war, couping Ukraine, destabilizing the region, sending NGOs and media orgs, and literally SAYING THAT THEY WANT TO DESTROY RUSSIA THEMSELVES would suggest otherwise.

3. "You're cucking for brown Muslims!" - lmao, sure. Go Hamas!

Like, just think about the logic of that: You call Mike a Jew, you say Russia's controlled by Jews, but then side with... Israel.

At least TRY to not look like a bad actor!
That's a thinly veiled attempt at herding everyone into two camps.

Nice divide and conquer strategy jew boy.
@pepsi_man @Tfmonkey @AidanTTIerian Yeah exactly.

Sometimes people have bad takes. Sometimes people are overly invested in a particular issue. Sometimes people have a bad day. Only rarely are they actually feds or bad actors.

The careless flinging of "FED!" and "JEW!" is in my opinion, one of the biggest, if not *the* biggest hurdles to Whites working together to solve the JQ.
@samjayganges @Tfmonkey @AidanTTIerian
Exactly. The nuanced take:
1. NJP was a good idea with an awful execution and TRS stopped being funny years ago.
2. Russia is not ZOG east. The Orthodox church holds sway over politics and culture, something Evangelicals do very poorly.
3. The optimal outcome for the middle east is to start evacuating Christians from MENA and deporting Muslims to MENA. Meanwhile, we force jews to stay in Israel and make them deal with their own mess.
jews can't deal with their own mess. God has to personally intervene.
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