
@Terry women sharing how they can't wait to vote and save abortion because that's the most important issue happening right now.

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@Tfmonkey @Terry the overwhelming majority of decisions have come to pass not with voting, but by the judiciary, by executive fiat, and by legislative members going back on their promises and supporting bills they swore they would never do so.

saying it's "women's fault" is a 2014 (gay)manosphere talking point and I'm surprised you still (allegedly) physically exist. I guess the sex toy money keeps you going.

@Tfmonkey @Terry in fact, when they do put decisions up to a plebiscite, things like fag marriage typically failed in the past.

even in California.

they'd never put "should we build a border wall?" up to such a vote because it'd probably win.

the same for so many other things.

Not only that, but when something is put up to a plebiscite there will often have been a one-sided media campaign beforehand.

@lichelordgodfrey @Terry The concept of "the living constitution" wherein Judges can re-write the Constitution and make shit up without amending the Constitution or even passing a law was spearheaded by Woodrow Wilson and the Progressives in the 1900s.

Women are the key voting block of the Progressives. Without women voting the Progressives would have never been able to get where they are. Blacks are 15% of the population. Gays are 5%. Jews are 2%. The math doesn't add up without women.

@Tfmonkey @Terry without faggot men like you simping for jews who subverted education, controlled mass media to teach both men and women what to think for the last 80 damned years, maybe we'd make more progress.

but nah, it's "women's fault".

nevermind how most women in Germany voted for Adolf Hitler.

somehow that succeeded despite what fags like you say about women.

almost like it matters who controls the educational system and the media.

@lichelordgodfrey @Tfmonkey theres actually been a decline in women voting dem over the last 3 election cycles with every demographic except nigger women.
@Terry @Tfmonkey @lichelordgodfrey What's wrong with them? Not happy about immigration? I thought they wanted more dick.
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