at the polling station,
clerk: id?
guy: here you go
clerk: this is expired
guy: it's me
clerk: it expired a few months ago
guy: it's me. That's me on the card. It's a real card. It identifies me. You know I can vote.
clerk: do you have another form of ID?
guy: no.

Old white guy, cruelly disenfranchised unless he goes to the DMV with a bunch of papers like he was applying for a brand new ID, because the DMV also pulls the "this is expired, so I magically can't make completely reasonable inferences from its existence" bullshit.

Expiration's supposed to be there to force drivers to re-up and re-confirm an ability to drive safely. Expiring forms of ID also makes sense in general, but tying identity-expiration to driver-reup-requirements is lazy bureaucratic bullshit.

@apropos ID expiration dates is there as a tax collection mechanism. The fee you pay for your new ID is simply a tax. It's a way for the government to nickel and dime you.

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@Tfmonkey I'd be fine with that if it were honestly that, but the DMV won't even take money to re-up an expired card.

@apropos usually you just need your birth certificate (another tax collection mechanism) and some unopened mail to establish residence.

There is no reason for an ID to "expire" when you think about it. It's just a way to force you to pay more money to get a new one (and any associated documents).

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