at the polling station,
clerk: id?
guy: here you go
clerk: this is expired
guy: it's me
clerk: it expired a few months ago
guy: it's me. That's me on the card. It's a real card. It identifies me. You know I can vote.
clerk: do you have another form of ID?
guy: no.
Old white guy, cruelly disenfranchised unless he goes to the DMV with a bunch of papers like he was applying for a brand new ID, because the DMV also pulls the "this is expired, so I magically can't make completely reasonable inferences from its existence" bullshit.
Expiration's supposed to be there to force drivers to re-up and re-confirm an ability to drive safely. Expiring forms of ID also makes sense in general, but tying identity-expiration to driver-reup-requirements is lazy bureaucratic bullshit.