there is this theory called "hybrid vigor"

It states that different races have strengths. If you mix these races together, the offspring will have the strengths of both races.

if blacks are good at running, and the Chinese are good at math, maybe you create offspring that's good at both.

But, this is rare. You will likley just create a kid that can't run or do math.

Race mixing usually creates weaker offspring.

A positive example might be different ethnicities of the same race that mix.

@ToyotaTime white race is the purest. you can only dilute it, not make it more pure. this is not some racist rant. it's a matter of a historic fact. all races always wanted to be white. no whites want to be non-whites. the less white you are, the closer you are to our ancestral hominids. it's really that simple.

@Justicar @ToyotaTime - "no whites want to be non-white."

Oof!... I've seen otherwise.


@YoMomz @Justicar

I've seen whites that wished they were east asians

Although, it's more common to see mixed race people wish they were 100% one race.

Like a lot of Wasians wish that they were just 100% asian. This is due to the Perceived intellectual superiority of East asians. Which is mostly BS. Yellows aren't actually smarter than whites, but it's a myth that has been popularized.

Being mixed race kind of sucks because you can't claim any race as your own.

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