So I had to write half a paragraph of prompts and anti prompts but I got the AI to stop royally fucking up fingers

@Twothousandshadows please share what you had to do to keep the fingers form being messed up.

@Tfmonkey **more then one pinky finger, ring finger, middle finger, and pointer finger per hand**

Pinky finger longer than ring finger, Ring finger longer than middle finger, pointer finger longer than middle finger. Middle finger shorter the palm length.

** finger joints unnaturally bent**

**low quality hands**


@Tfmonkey It also doesn’t consider the thumb a finger so I also added

More then 8 fingers total.

Less then 4 fingers on left hand

Less then 4 finger on right hand.
However I’m still testing to see if that works

I also forgot to add

*finger nails not straight with fingers*

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