
@Tfmonkey looks like Russia is having a similar sudden market dip as this is all being shaken out.

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@Twothousandshadows Russia will be fine. In fact, this overt market manipulation will simply incentivize BRICS to create their own exchanges and regulate them to prevent western manipulation.

They already did the the same thing to China. However, they forgot a very important thing: the stock market is NOT the economy.

The West is playing checkers while losing the chess game.

@Tfmonkey o ya they will be fine, I was just expected to see it moving one step closer.

+ you were wondering why there was a sudden massive dip in the markets yesterday so I figured that could have played a factor in it.

@Twothousandshadows @Tfmonkey no you moron what does a rusky need USD for when they freely trade with Chyna? The USD RUB pair? Who gives a shit that's what halt trading means.

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